ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Finite Element Analysis of an Electromagnetic Device of an On-Line Ferrograph

  • 摘要: 针对在线铁谱仪中的一种新型的直流电磁装置,通过有限元分析揭示了其工作气隙中的磁场分布规律,采用正交设计方法确定了夹角方案条件下的最佳工作气隙尺寸,比较了磁场在夹角方案和倾角方案条件下的分布情况.结果表明,该装置在夹角方案条件下可以在油样流动方向上形成由弱到强的磁场分布,但效果不如倾角方案好.


    Abstract: A newly developed electromagnetic device was introduced. The device had the magnetic poles protruded forward and was suitable to installing the image fiber for the ferrographic analysis of wear debris. The magnetic flux intensity and diversity along the oil flow direction were simulated making use of finite element software Ansys, and the parameters applicable to the electromagnet were suggested. It was found that the theoretical results based on the finite element analysis agreed well with the corresponding experimental ones. Thus it was feasible to use the designed electromagnet to collecte the deposited wear particles.


