ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Oxidative Wear Behavior of H13 Steel

  • 摘要: 采用销盘式磨损试验机,对H13钢在室温、200和400 ℃和不同载荷条件下进行干滑动磨损试验,研究了钢的磨损行为及磨损机制.结果表明:在室温至400 ℃之间,200 ℃时钢的磨损率最低,其次为室温下的磨损率,400 ℃时磨损率最高.室温下钢的磨损率随载荷的提高而增加,磨损表面氧化物较少,其磨损机制主要为黏着磨损;200 ℃时的磨损行为极为特殊,随载荷从50增至100 N时,磨损表面出现较厚的氧化物层,故磨损率降低,载荷从100增至200 N时磨损率略提高,且显著低于室温和400 ℃时的磨损率,呈轻微氧化磨损特征.当环境温度达到400 ℃时,虽然磨损表面发生了明显的氧化,但随载荷的提高,导致基体塑性变形和热软化,导致磨损表面氧化物层剥落量增大,磨损率提高;当载荷超过150 N后材料的磨损机制由轻微氧化磨损转变为氧化磨损和塑性挤出磨损,磨损率迅速提高,为严重磨损.


    Abstract: Dry sliding wear tests were performed for a H13 steel at room temperature (RT), 200 and 400 ℃ as well as various loads on a pin-on-disk wear tester. The wear behavior and mechanisms under various testing conditions were studied. The results showed that the wear rate of H13 steel increased in a sequence of 200 ℃, RT, 400 ℃. At room temperature, wear rate increased with the increasing load and adhesive wear prevailed due to inadequate tribo-oxide on the worn surface. At 200 ℃,increasing load from 50 to 100 N reduced the wear rate due to the formation of tribo-oxide layer on worn surfaces. As the load increased from 100 to 200 N, wear rate slightly increased, and was substantially lower than that at RT and 400 ℃. In this case, mild oxidative wear prevailed. At 400 ℃, the wear rate increased with the increasing load. This is the result of load induced plastic deformation or/and thermal softening, and delamination. At a load higher than 150 N, the wear rate of H13 steel rapidly increased and severe wear occurred. The wear mechanism was oxidative wear and plastic extrusion.


