ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Effect of Contact Stress on Rolling Friction and Wear Behavior of Wheel-rail Materials

  • 摘要: 利用MMS-2A型微机控制摩擦磨损试验机研究了接触应力对轮轨材料的滚动摩擦磨损性能影响.结果表明:随接触应力的增加,滚动摩擦系数呈增加趋势,车轮和钢轨试样磨损加剧;相同接触应力水平下,车轮试样磨损量大于钢轨试样,表面损伤严重;随接触应力的增加,车轮试样表面从犁沟且轻微剥落向严重剥落损伤转变,钢轨试样表面损伤主要表现为犁沟效应并伴随有剥落现象,但相比车轮试样的剥离损伤要轻微.


    Abstract: The effect of contact stress on rolling friction and wear behavior of wheel/rail materials were investigated using a MMS-2A testing apparatus. The results showed that the rolling friction coefficient would increase with the increase of contact stress, which resulted in the aggravation of wheel/rail wear. The wear mass of wheel specimen was larger than that of rail specimen under the same contact stress condition. Furthermore, the surface damage of wheel specimen was more severe. With the increase of contact stress, the damage of wheel specimen changed from the plough with slight delamination to serious spalling damage. However, the plough with spalling phenomena was dominant for the damage of rail specimen. But the spalling damage of rail specimen was more slight than that of wheel specimen.


