ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Lubrication Performance of the Grid-Patterned Microcirculation Surface

  • 摘要: 为研究微循环表面网状形态对其润滑特性影响,采用飞秒激光和数控加工方法,构建出不同滑动表面网格织构,并以此研究了其形态对润滑特性的影响.研究采用网格形态的参数化设计,并以无量纲长度 Λ,无量纲宽度Γ和夹角α表征其结构特征,采用数值迭代求解和摩擦学试验相结合的方法,研究了不同形态的网格参数对其润滑的影响.研究结果表明:具有微循环网格形态的滑动表面可有效地改善其摩擦系数,当Λ大于0.45时会使得摩擦系数达到最佳优化值,而当Λ小于0.45时,则网格参数与摩擦系数的关系将变得较为复杂;较大的无量纲深度参数Γ和较小的夹角也可优化出改善润滑的最优组合;该研究可为滑动表面微循环网状织构优化设计提供了理论基础.


    Abstract: The effect of the grid texture on the lubrication performance of microcirculation surface was investigate. The femto-second laser and Numerical control were used to fabricate the grid-pattern. The parametric design of the grid textured surface with characterization of the dimensionless parameters of length ratio Λ, width ratio Γ and angle α, and numerical iteration method combined with the tribology experiment were correlated to the lubrication performance. The results indicate that the microcirculation grid textures of the sliding surface dramatically decreased the friction coefficient. When Λ was larger than 0.45, an optimum for friction coefficient was achieved. When Λ was out of this range, relationship between the grid parameters and the friction coefficient became complicated. Optimum angle decreased while the optimum Γ increased.


