ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



The Effect of Aging Reaction on the Colloidal Structures and Antiwear Property of Overbased Calcium Alkyl Salicylate

  • 摘要: 采用冷冻蚀刻电镜(FE-EM),傅立叶红外光谱(FT-IR)及钙分布测定等研究了高碱度烷基水杨酸钙的老化过程,并探讨了老化机理,老化反应高碱度烷基水杨酸钙胶体粒子变小,胶体中氢氧化钙的相对含量增加,粘度降低,总碱值(TBN)升高;老化后样品的清净性及抗磨性明显提高;水、甲醇及氢氧化钙等影响老化效果。


    Abstract: The aging process of overbased calcium alkyl salicylate is studied with FT IR, freeze etching electron microscopic observation (FE EM) and test of calcium distribution measurement. The results show that, when overbased calcium alkyl salicylate samples are subjected to aging reaction, the size of colloidal particles in samples decreases, the relative content of calcium hydroxide in colloidal particles increases, the viscosity of samples decreases and the total basicity number of samples increases. The detergency and anti wear properties of aged samples are better than that of non aged ones. Meanwhile, the aging efficacy of overbased calcium alkyl salicylate becomes worse if the water, methanol and residue of calcium hydroxide are removed from the reaction system. The primary aging mechanism is deduced according to the testing results as well.


