ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Role of Chemistry in Tribochemistry Progress

  • 摘要: 评述了化学在摩擦学和摩擦化学研究中的地位与作用 ,概述了摩擦化学发展中的若干化学问题 ,尝试应用化学硬度概念和硬软酸碱原理及其派生规则分析了摩擦化学表面膜的形成机制


    Abstract: The role of chemistry in the studies on tribology and tribochemistry is reviewed. The theoretical and engineering issues of chemistry nature in tribochemistry are summarized and elaborated. The formation mechanisms of tribochemical films are elucidated based on the attempted applications of the chemical hardness concept, the hard and soft acid and base (HSAB) principle and its derived rules, such as the bond valence matching rule and the Saville rule. The major topics for future studies of tribochemistry are suggested as well. It is supposed that the study on tribochemistry is currently transforming from focusing on the experimental investigation characterized by the reaction among traditional ferrous metals, petroleum-based lubricating oils, and S -, P -, and Cl -containing additives, to focusing on the virtualization, micro-electro- mechanical-systems and engineering.


