ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Influence of Microarc Oxidation Ceramic Coating on AZ31

  • 摘要: 利用数控试验机床(CNC)和微弧氧化处理技术,对AZ31镁合金板材热渐进成形和多孔陶瓷层润滑机理进行了研究.结果表明:镁合金表面微弧氧化多孔陶瓷层吸附固体二硫化钼颗粒,形成多孔陶瓷-二硫化钼润滑膜.在摩擦初始阶段,多孔陶瓷固体MoS 2润滑膜的室温摩擦系数约为0.08,满足镁合金板材热渐进成形润滑和减摩条件.多孔陶瓷层为固体Mo S 2润滑剂提供了良好润滑平台,加工件内表面光滑,且没有任何缺陷.由于陶瓷层孔中吸附大量固体Mo S 2粉末,所研究的润滑陶瓷层在渐进成形中具有自润滑作用.与无微弧氧化处理相比,多孔陶瓷润滑层具有更好的润滑效果.


    Abstract: The formability of the hot incremental forming of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheet and the lubricating Mechanism of the porous ceramic coating were investigated by CNC machine and microarc oxidation(MAO) treatment.The results showed that the porous ceramic coating on top of AZ31 magnesium alloy was obtained by MAO treatment and after adsorbing MoS2powder, porous ceramic-MoS2 lubricating film was formed. MoS2 powder coated ceramic coating had the initial friction coefficient about 0.08 at room temperature and can be applied for hot incremental forming of the metal sheet. Porous ceramic coating provided a good lubricating platform for MoS2 lubricant. The inner surface of the formed part was smooth without any defect. The ceramic coating was self –lubricating in the incremental forming at elevated temperatures. Compared with the sheet without MAO treatment,Porous ceramic coating has better lubricating effect


