ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



A New Radial Fretting Apparatus

  • 摘要: 通过对高精度平移式微动试验台夹具和控制程度进行改造,研制了径向微动试验装置,该装置可以分别在控制荷载和控制变形量2种模式下进行试验,可以通过改变变形速率(频率)来控制接触偶件之间的相对运动速度,因此能较好地模拟真实的径微动动运动,且试验结果有很好的可比性和重现性。


    Abstract: A new radial fretting test rig has been developed by modifying the clamps and the control programs of conventional tangential fretting apparatus. Thus simulated fretting tests can be carried out with imposed load or imposed deformation mode. The speed of relative movement between the contacting pairs can be controlled by changing the speed of loading (or frequency). The apparatus can well simulate radial fretting situation, and the test results based on different testing modes are comparable with each other and have good repeatability.


