ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Study on the Anti-pitting Property of Spraying Weld Tappets Heated by Oxyacetylene Flame

  • 摘要: 作者以45号钢为基材,对其施行表面喷焊覆层强化处理的工艺,试验研究了氧乙炔焰喷焊斯太尔挺杆与国产斯太尔凸轮配副的抗点蚀性能。结果表明,在相同工况下,氧乙炔焰喷焊挺杆的优点蚀寿命比212堆焊合金铸铁挺杆的长一倍,比按国外原图纸工艺要求试制的20Cr气体软氮化斯太尔挺杆的长4培。文章还就喷焊挺杆的点蚀失效机理、挺杆表面喷焊覆层的抗点蚀性能和喷焊工艺对挺杆抗点蚀性能的影响等进行了比较系统而深入的分析和讨论,指出这种喷焊上艺可以应用于斯太尔挺杆的国产化批量生产。


    Abstract: Using the 45 steel as substrate material and adopting reinforcing treatment technique for surface spraying weld overlying strata, the anti-pitting property of spraying weld tappet/Chinese Stger cam pairs was studied in this paper. The results shown that under the same working conditions, the anti-pitting life of spraying weld tappet heated by oxyacetylene flame is longer one-fold and 4-fold compared with 212 built up welding alloy tappet and tufftride Stger tappet treated with 20Cr gas respectively. In addition, the authors also investigated the mechanism of pitting failure of spraying weld tappets, the anti-pitting properties of surface spraying weld overlying strata and the influence of spraying weld technique on the anti-pitting property of tappet.


