ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Tribological Characteristics of MoS2 Film under Oil, Grease Lubrication and Dry Sliding

  • 摘要: 通过MoS2膜/钢、钢/钢摩擦副分别在干摩擦、油和脂润滑条件下的球-盘式摩擦学试验,对比分析了润滑条件、载荷、滑动速度对MoS2膜摩擦系数的影响。利用原子力显微镜(AFM)对膜层磨损形貌进行表征,研究润滑条件对膜层磨损寿命的影响。结果表明:在4122仪表油和FAG脂润滑下,MoS2膜在零速启动、中低速情况下的动、静摩擦系数均比MoS2干膜和钢/钢摩擦副的要低;固-液复合润滑时的MoS2膜的耐磨性均比干膜摩擦时有所降低,MoS2干膜的磨损率约为8.1×10-7 mm3·N-1m-1,在油和脂润滑时其磨损率分别约为2.4×10-5 mm3·N-1m-1和5.5×10-6 mm3·N-1m-1。


    Abstract: To investigate the tribological performance of MoS2 film under dry friction, and lubrication of different lubricants, experiments on the steel /MoS2 and steel/steel tribo-couples on a ball-on-disk tribo-tester were carried out. The effect of lubrication, load and speed to the friction coefficient were analyzed. The surface morphology of MoS2 film investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to study the effect of the lubrication conditions on the wear rate. The results indicated that the friction coefficients of the MoS2 film lubricated with 4122 oil and FAG grease were much lower than that under dry sliding. In addition, At the start-up and under boundary lubrication, the MoS2 film could reduce the friction effectively; On the other hand, liquid lubrication causes a dramatic decrease of the wear ability of the MoS2 coatings, the wear rate of the MoS2 dry-film is about 4.4×10-8 mm3?N-1m-1,


