ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



The Tribological Properties and Wear Mechanisms of Carbon Fiber and CuO Reinforced Polyamide 1010 Composites

  • 摘要: 以注塑成型法制备了无机填料 Cu O和炭纤维增强尼龙 10 10 (PA10 10 )复合材料 ,采用 MM- 2 0 0型摩擦磨损试验机考察了复合材料的摩擦磨损性能 ,分析了磨损表面和转移膜形貌 .研究结果表明 :Cu O和炭纤维可以显著改善尼龙复合材料的摩擦学性能 ,以 2 0 % CF- 10 % Cu O- PA10 10的耐磨性能和拉伸强度最高 ;在摩擦过程中炭纤维促进 Cu O还原生成单质铜微粒 ,形成具有良好自润滑性能的含铜转移膜 ,对减少摩擦副之间的磨粒磨损和粘着磨损及提高转移膜的结合强度起重要作用


    Abstract: A micro injection machine was used to prepare the specimens of inorganic CuO and carbon fiber (CF) reinforced polyamide 1010(PA1010) composites. The friction and was behavior of the composites was investigated with a ring block test rig. The morphologies and elemental distributions of the worn composite surface and transfer film were examined and analyzed with a scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy dispersive spectrometer attachment. The chemical states of some typical elements on the transfer were examined with an X ray photoelectron spectrometer as well. The results show that hybrid fillers of CuO and CF considerably improve the friction and wear behavior of the reinforced PA1010 composites, and 10%CuO 20? PA1010 shows the highest wear resistance and tensile strength. CF promoted the tribochemical reaction of CuO with the counterface Fe, with the generation of more elemental Cu in the transfer film. This helps to increase the bonding strength of the transfer film on the counterface. Subsequently the abrasive and adhesion wear was abated because of the formation of the transfer film containing elemental Cu.


