ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Synthesis and Tribological Properties of Zinc Dodecoxyborate as Antiwear and Friction Reducing Additive of Lubricating Oil

  • 摘要: 合成了含硼及锌的油溶性化合物十二烷氧基硼酸锌,将其用作润滑油抗磨减摩添加剂,并用四球及环-块摩擦磨损试验机评价了其摩擦学性能。结果表明:十二烷氧基硼酸锌添加剂使500SN基础油的抗磨性能得到明显改善,其承载能力明显提高,摩擦系数明显降低,扫描电子显微镜观察证实磨斑表面有含硼沉积物,结合XPS分析可以推断添加剂在摩擦过程中发生了摩擦化学反应,并在摩擦副表面形成了抗磨减摩膜,从而改善摩擦磨损性能。


    Abstract: Oil soluble zinc dodecoxyborate was synthesized. Its tribological properties as a lubricting oil additive were evaluated using four ball and ring on block tribotesters. The results indicate that the wear resistance and load carrying capacity of 500SN base oil were increased and the friction coefficient was decreased by the additive. The wear scar was observed with SEM. It has been found that the scufffing of the tested steel ball lubricated with addtive containing base stock is greatly abated as compared with that lubricated with base stock alone. It is suggested that tribochemical reactions were involved in the friction process, which generated a protective film containing borides on the lubricated steel surface. This contributes to improve the antiwear and extreme pressure properties of the base stock.


