ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Investigation on Wear Resistance of Cr8 Tool Steels

  • 摘要: 在环/块对摩型磨损试验机上对比测试了不同载荷下4种Cr8型模具钢的干滑动磨损性能,测量磨痕宽度,观察磨损形貌,分析磨损机制.结果表明:不同载荷下均有磨粒磨损,随载荷增大氧化加剧并伴有粘附磨损,高载荷下氧化磨损的作用变大;磨损损失体积随载荷增加而增大,磨损损失体积总量与M7C3共晶碳化物量呈正线性关系;摩擦系数随载荷增加先升高后下降.


    Abstract: Wear resistance of cold work tool steel is critical in stamping manufacture. In this paper, comparison tests of dry sliding wear under different loads were carried out by using a ring-on-block friction and wear tester. Four kinds of Cr8 tool steels were evaluated and ranked in term of wear volume and friction coefficient. Wear mechanism was determined by observing and analyzing the morphology of the worn surface. Results indicate that abrasive wear can be always found under different loads. As load increased, surface oxidation became obvious and oxidation wear played a larger role in wear mechanism. The wear volume increased with the increasing load, average friction coefficient firstly increased and then decreased with the load. The positive linear relationship between total wear volume and M7C3 eutectic carbide content was revealed.


