ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Analysis about the Approaches of Underwater Turbulence Drag Reduction

  • 摘要: 综述了壁湍流边界层分层结构及近壁区湍流猝发过程,对现有典型水下湍流减阻技术进行了较深入地总结。根据各类减阻方法的特点对水下湍流减阻方法进行了分类,并分析了各类减阻方法对壁湍流流场的影响特征,总结了维持或延长层流、干扰湍流“猝发”、壁面隔离、增大湍流阻尼和改变壁面物性等5种水下湍流减阻可行途径,为开展水下湍流减阻研究及发现新的减阻方法提供参考。


    Abstract: Based on the theories of wall turbulent boundary layer and turbulent bursting process, typical underwater turbulence drag reduction technologies at present were analyzed and summarized in general. Firstly the drag reduction technologies were classed by the basic characteristics of wall turbulent boundary layer affected by every drag reduction technology. Then five kinds of feasible underwater turbulent drag reduction ways were gain, which were: (1) retaining or extending laminar flow region, (2) disturbing burst; (3) insulating surface from water, (4) augmenting turbulent damp, (5) changing surface attributes. The conclusions summarized in the paper could be used for the further research of turbulent drag reduction.


