ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Study on the Tribological Properties of SiC Ni Co Mo PbO High Temperature Self Lubricating Cermet Material

  • 摘要: 采用粉末冶金工艺中和中频励套感应力高温快速热压法制备了SiC-Ni-Co-Mo-PbO系高温自润滑金属基陶瓷材料,并且对这种材料的机械性能和摩擦磨损性能进行了试验研究。同时还就其高温自润滑机理作了分析与探讨。


    Abstract: The high temperature self lubricating cermet SiC Ni Co Mo PbO were made by the hot pressing method in a medium frequence induction furnace through powder metallurgy art. The results showed that the cermet material has the best mechanical characteristics and lower friction factor and better wear resistance when the SiC volume fraction is 25 percent. XRD analysis results showed that SiC and Ni have reacted and formed Ni 2Si of intermetallic compound which increases the intensity and the hardness of the cermet material in all sintering process of SiC Ni Co Mo PbO cermet material. The formation of NiMo 4 and Co 3Mo harden the metal phase and increase its mechanical characteristics. The friction surface analysis results of XRD, XPS and EPM showed that the elements of Pb and Si were concentrated on the friction surface under the friction process of high temperature. SiC was oxidized easily and formed SiO 2, SiO 2 was reacted with PbO and formed Pb 3Si 2O 7. The compounds which were made of Pb 3Si 2O 7 PbO SiO 2 covered the all friciton surfarce. The formation of Pb 3Si 2O 7+PbO+SiO 2 complex film is the main reason that the cermet material has good lurbication property at high temperature.


