ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Electro-friction Phenomena:Effects of Electric Field on Behavior of Metal/Ceramics Rubbing Couples

  • 摘要: 探讨了利用调节外加电场改变金属/陶瓷摩擦副摩擦行为的可行性及通过在线反馈控制外加电压的大小实现摩擦系数主动的控制的可能性。试验发现,在硬脂酸锌乳化液润滑条件下,施加数十伏的外加直流电压,由三氧化二铝、石英玻璃等陶瓷材料与钢、黄铜、不锈钢等构成的滑动摩擦副的摩擦系数发生显著变化,变化幅度与所加电压的大小、极性以及金属材料的种类有关。初步分析表明,发生这种电摩擦现象的原因在于摩擦副表面特别是金属表面吸


    Abstract: The feasibility of controlling the tribological behavior of metal/ceramics rubbing couples by means of applying an external electric field was explored.The results show that the friction coefficients of the rubbing couples composed of ceramic materials, alumina and quartz glass, and metals, brass, stainless steel and carbon steel, change substantially when an external D C. voltage is applied under the lubrication condition of zinc stearate water emulsion. The change in friction coefficient caused by the electric field depends on the voltage and the polarity and materials type. Preliminary analysis indicates that the electro-friction phenomena could be related to the balance of generation and destruction of the boundary lubrication film, which was influenced by the external voltage. It was also found that friction coefficient could be controlled with a feed-back voltage modulation method.


