ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Solidification of Synthetic Phosphate under High Pressure

  • 摘要: 采用超高压毛细管黏度计考察了磷酸酯合成油和常压下黏度与之相近的合成油A及合成油B的压黏关系,并进行了磷酸酯合成油在高压下固化现象的研究,利用红外光谱和凝胶渗透色谱对固化前后的磷酸酯合成油进行了分析,并从机械力化学角度分析了产生固化的原因.结果表明:磷酸酯合成油的压黏关系上升速度远大于合成油A和B;固化后,磷酸酯的物理状态由液态变成"玻璃态",颜色由透明色变成乳白色;磷酸酯合成油发生了氧化反应,分子量增大;磷酸酯合成油经高压高剪切速率作用后,发生化学反应的原因是机械力作用导致较长分子链断裂,形成大分子自由基,具有很高活性的大分子自由基发生氧化等化学反应.


    Abstract: The relations of viscosity with pressure of phosphate synthetic oil and methyl silicone oil are studied at high pressure with an ultra-high pressure capillary viscometer. The solidification of phosphate synthetic oil at high pressure is preliminarily investigated by using infrared spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance as well as the gel permeation chromatography. The slope of viscosity-pressure of synthetic phosphate oil is greater than that of methyl silicone oil. Before and after the experiment, the phosphate synthetic oil transforms from liquid into glass state and changes from transparent into milky white. However, no significant change in the structure of phosphate synthetic oil but increase in molecular weight can be found. Therefore, the phosphate synthetic oil experiences mechanical-chemical action under high pressure. After high pressure and high shear rate, the chemical reaction occurs. The high activity macro radicals generated by mechanical forces are responsible for the oxidation.


