ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



The Measurement of the Granularity of Solid Powder by Method of Disc Centrifuging-Sedimentation

  • 摘要: 本文报道用圆盘离心沉降法对几种粉末样品的粒径大小及粒度分布测定的结果,并且讨论了颗粒形状、消光系数和粉末分散状态等因素的影响。试验结果表明,在给定的条件下,利用LKY-1型微粒测定仪对粉末粒度测定的重复性好,尤其适用于测定微细粉末的粒度分布;当石墨或MoS_2粉末样品的浓度为0.5%时,选用4%鞣酸作分散剂的效果最好。作者认为,固然光密度与微粒的消光系数有关,但对于黑灰色的粉末样品而言,因其产生的光学效应非常微弱,故可近似地把消光系数视为常数而忽略它的影响。


    Abstract: The sizes and granularity distributions of several solid powders were determined by disc centrifuging-sedimentation, and the influences of particles shape, extinction coefficient and dispersity of powder were also reported in this paper. The results shown that under given condition the model LKY-1 eriometer has good repeatability of the granulometry, especially suitable for measuring the distribution of fine particles. The 4% gallic acid is the best dispersing agent, for 0.5% concentrition graphite or MoS2 powder. Although the optical density is related to the absorbance factor, so far as the black-grey powder sample, because of its optical effect is very weak the absorbance factor can be regarded as a constant to neglect its influence.


