ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



The Study and Application of Bronze-Graphite Oil- Containing Self-Lubricating Composites

  • 摘要: 作者在青铜-石墨系材料中添加适量的锡、二硫化钼等,研制出几种含油自润滑复合材料。试验结果表明,这些材料的机械强度和摩擦磨损性能比青铜-石墨系材料的均有不同程度的提高,且其含油率和几种典型的物理机械性能都达到或超过了国内外同类材料的水平。文章还举例说明了青铜-石墨系含油自润滑复合材料实用范围的广泛性。


    Abstract: Several bronze-graphite oil-containing self-lubricating composites were developed by adding a moderate amount of tin, molybdenum disulfide and others. The test results shown that the mechanical strength and tribological properties of these composites were improved differently as compared with bronze-graphite matrix, and their oil-containing ratio and several typical mechanical properties are equal or superior to the level of the same kind of materials at home and abroad. The instances in this paper shown that the bronze-graphite oil-containing self-lubricating composites have wide range of application. Typical properties of several bronze-graphite oil-containing self-lubricating composites(impregnated with 20 machinery oils).The properties of several composites were listed as following table:


