ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Fabrication and Wear-Resistance of Abrasion-Enhanced Superhydrophobic Materials

  • 摘要: 通过在有机硅烷中掺杂微纳米级尺度的SiO2颗粒,利用硅烷的水解和聚合成功地制备了1种具有优异耐磨性能和稳定性的超疏水材料.通过该方法所制备的超疏水材料不仅具有良好的耐磨性,而且其超疏水性能可在一定条件下通过表面的磨损得到增强或恢复.该超疏水材料在较苛刻的环境下仍能保持良好的化学稳定性.扫描电镜分析表明贯穿于整个材料且构成材料厚度的微纳米聚合物复合层是赋予该超疏水材料耐磨损性能的主要原因.


    Abstract: A wearable polymer superhydrophobic surface is prepared by means of polymerization of silanes blending with micro- and nano-meter scale particles. The superhydrophobicity of the as-prepared polymer surface not only is mechanically durable but also can be enhanced by the surface abrasion. The polymer superhydrophobic surface shows also stability even in many rigorous environments. The scanning electron microscopy demonstrates that the binary geometric micro- and nano-mater structures distributed through the whole materials thickness are responsible for the good wear resistance and superhydrophobicity.


