ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



The Nonlinear Analysis of Thermal Stability and the Study of Global Stability of Periodic Solution of Thermal System of Thrust Bearings

  • 摘要: 建立了考虑瞬态油膜压力影响的热稳定性分析模型 ,用求解系统周期解分岔的 PNF法对推力轴承系统的热稳定性进行了研究 ,结合 Poincare映射与胞映射法思想 ,提出了用于分析系统周期稳态解全局特性的数值计算 PCM方法 ,并对推力轴承热系统周期稳态解的全局特性进行了考察


    Abstract: The model of the thermal system of the thrust bearing considering the effect of transient pressures is established. The PNF method for investigating the bifurcation of the periodic solution of the system is used to study the thermal stability of thrust bearings. A new numerical method called PCM(Poincare-Cell-Mapping)is presented to investigate the global stability of the periodic solution of the thermal system of thrust bearings.


