ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Tribological Properties of Fracturing Seal with Textured Plunger

  • 摘要: 采用精密机械雕刻技术在压裂泵柱塞试样表面雕刻微凹坑阵列表面织构,利用MDW-100型微机控制立式万能摩擦磨损试验机对具有不同尺寸形状的微凹坑柱塞-丁晴橡胶密封试样进行摩擦磨损试验,研究了织构化柱塞试件与丁晴橡胶摩擦副在流体动压润滑条件下的润滑特性.结果表明:压裂泵柱塞试件表面合理织构组合可以显著地提高柱塞密封系统摩擦副的润滑和减摩性能,其中面积比为5.86%、均匀分布的圆柱形与条形混合凹坑织构是较优的,其摩擦副的摩擦系数、温升及磨损量相对于无织构试件分别降低了80%、90%及79.3%,且表面磨痕也显著低于无织构及其他织构组合的柱塞密封摩擦副.


    Abstract: Surface texture with different parameters was carved by precision mechanical engraving technique on the surface of Plunger. The lubricating properties of plunger-NBR seal tribo-pairs of micro-dimple with different size and shape were investigated in hydrodynamic lubrication by using a MDW-100 computer controlled tribometer. It is found that the reasonable surface texture parameters significantly improved lubrication and antifriction characteristic of fracturing pump plunger-NBR seal tribo-pairs. Regularly distributed cylindrical and rectangle mixed textures with an area ratio of 5.86% had obviously lower friction coefficient, temperature rise, wear than that of the non-textured ones. The decreases of friction coefficient, temperature rise, wear were 80%, 90% and 79.3%, respectively.


