ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Effects of C+ Implantation on Tribological Behavior of Three Metallic Thin Films on Silicon Dioxide Substrate

  • 摘要: 考察了 C 注入对 Ti、Al和 Ag等 3种金属 /氧化物体系的硬度、膜基结合强度和摩擦学性能的影响 .结果表明 ,C 注入可以显著提高 Ti、Al和 Ag金属 /氧化物的硬度和膜基结合强度 ,从而改善摩擦学性能 .C 注入使得 Ti膜体相和界面处产生 Ti- C固溶体 ,这是 Ti膜耐磨寿命得以提高的主要原因


    Abstract: The effect of C implantation on the hardness, bonding strength at interface and tribological properties of Ti, Al, and Ag films on SiO 2 was investigated. Findings indicated that the hardness and the bonding strength at the interface were increased by C implantation and the tribological properties were improved accordingly. The improvement in the bonding strength at the interface was mainly attributed to the interfacial mixing. In other words, carbide eutectics were generated near the interface after C implantation of the metallic thin film/SiO 2 systems, subsequently the bonding strength of the film to the substrate was increased, and hence the wear-resistance of the thin films extended as well.


