ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Developing Situation and Application of Bonded Solid Lubricant Films

  • 摘要: 粘结固体润滑膜是固体润滑材料的主要类型之一,因其性能优异而获得了从民用机械到空间技术等各个方面的广泛应用,几乎可以用到工程实际中所有的摩擦部件上.近年来,我国粘结固体润滑膜的应用除在航空航天等尖端技术方面继续保持原有的优势外,其在民用机械中的应用也在逐年增多.但是,由于大多数工程技术人员目前对粘结固体润滑膜还不够了解,实际使用中尚有一定的困难.针对这种情况,并且为了推动国内粘结固体润滑膜之研究与应用的更快发展,系统地对这类固体膜的分类、性能特点、制备工艺和典型应用等进行了综合介绍与评述,指出要充分发挥粘结固体润滑膜的优势,利用其创造更大的社会效益和经济效益,就应当重视开展对这种固体润滑材料与技术的工业应用研究.


    Abstract: As a kind of important solid lubricant, bonded solid lubricant films were used widely inmany fields from civil mechanery industry to space technology in many countries. It can be used toalmost all slide contact parts due to its superior properties. In recent years. the application of bondedsolid lubricant films not only keep traditional advantages in aviation and space industry, but alsoincreases in civil mechanery greatly in China. In order to push forward the research and applicationof bonded soliti lubricant films in ourcountry furtherly, the classifieation, properties, preparationand typical uses for this kind of material were introduced and reviewed, and the future developingtendency in this field was predicted in this paper. It was indicated that bonded solid lubricant filmshave a promising markets future in our country.


