ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Preliminary Study on Tribological Behavior and Self-repairing Mechanism of Keratin Tissues

  • 摘要: 采用纳米压痕/划痕仪和维氏硬度仪,初步研究了2种不同角蛋白材料-指甲和鸡爪的摩擦学性能及其损伤自修复特性.结果表明:指甲和鸡爪微观结构的不同导致其摩擦学性能和自修复能力有较大差异.由于具有更好的纤维取向性,指甲表面的划痕摩擦系数略低于鸡爪.指甲横截面上垂直于纤维方向的划痕摩擦力比平行于纤维方向的大,划痕宽度小;鸡爪内外层结构的不同使得其外层的摩擦力较大,划痕宽度较小.浸泡在水中,指甲和鸡爪上的压痕变形和低载下的划痕变形能够分别在5和30 min内完全恢复.


    Abstract: The tribological behaviors and deformation recovery of fingernails and chicken claws are preliminarily investigated using nano-indentation/scratch tester and Vickers hardness instrument. Experimental results indicate that the tribological properties of keratin tissues strongly depend on their microstructures. Because of the better fiber orientation, the friction coefficient on fingernail is a little lower than that on chicken claws at the same loading conditions. On the cross section of nail, even though the friction coefficient during scratching in the direction perpendicular to fibers is greater than that parallel to fibers, the scratch width is smaller. Moreover, due to the different structures and properties between the inner and outer of claw, the latter presents higher friction coefficient and smaller scratch width. Finally, both the indentation and scratch deformation of nail and claw under low load can be fully recovered after being immersed in water for 5 minutes and 30 minutes, respectively.


