ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Wear Behavior of Electro-brush Plating Nano-WC/PTFE-Ni Composite Coatings

  • 摘要: 采用电刷镀技术在Q235钢基材上制备含纳米WC和PTFE的镍基复合镀层,采用S-2700型扫描电子显微镜观察镀层表面形貌及其显微组织,采用HX-1型显微硬度计测定镀层的显微硬度,采用WS-2005型涂层附着力自动划痕仪测定镀层与基体的结合强度,采用HT-500型销-盘高温摩擦磨损试验机测量镀层的滑动磨损性能.结果表明:镀液中同时加入纳米WC和PTFE可以得到表面形貌平整、纳米粒子分布均匀的纳米复合镍镀层;复合镀层的硬度随WC含量的增加而增大,随PTFE含量的增加而减小;含有2种纳米粒子的复合镍镀层的耐磨性比镍镀层和含单一WC或PTFE的镍镀层的耐磨性优良;当镀液中WC和PTFE含量分别为3.0 g/L和7.5 mL/L时,复合镍镀层的显微硬度较镍镀层提高约30%,耐磨性较镍镀层提高7倍.


    Abstract: Nickel-base composite coatings containing nanometer WC and PTFE were prepared by electro-brush plating on Q235 steel substrate. The morphology and microstructure of the coatings were observed on a S-2700 scanning electron microscopy. HX-1 microhardness tester was used to determine the hardness of the coatings. The adhesion strength was measured using a WS-2005 scratch tester and wear resistance tests were performed using a HT-500 pinon-disc tribometer. It was found that with addition of WC and PTFE, the surface morphology of the composite coatings became fiat and compact. The micro-hardness of the composite coatings increased with increase of the content of WC in the bath but decreased with increase of the content of PTFE in the bath. The composite coatings with two kinds of nanometer particles showed good tribological behavior. When the contents of WC and PTFE in the bath were 3 g/L and 7.5 ml/L respectively, the microhardness of the composite coating could reach to HV700, which was 30% higher than nickel coating, and the wear resistance of the composite coating was 7 times higher than pure nickel coating.


