ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Microstructure and Tribological Properties of Ti1-xAlxN Films Fabricated by Double -targeted Co-Sputtering

  • 摘要: 采用双靶反应磁控溅射的方法,通过改变基体相对于靶材的位置制备了一系列不同化学成分的TiAlN薄膜.用SEM,AFM,EDS,XRD等检测手段对薄膜的表面状态,如粗糙度?化学成分及结构等进行了表征,采用UMT-3型多功能摩擦磨损试验机,在室温?大气环境?无润滑的条件下对不同成分TiAlN薄膜的摩擦学性能进行了评价.试验结果表明:薄膜的化学成分伴随着位置的改变在Ti 0.82Al 0.18N和Ti 0.12Al 0.88N的范围内发生变化;在经历了700℃×1h的退火以后不同位置制备的薄膜先后出现了TiN,Ti 2AlN,TiN 0.30AlN,TiAlN等多种物相结构;表面粗糙度和形貌的试验结果表明了不同薄膜在不同位置的生长方式也不同;x值在0.57及0.65的薄膜具有高硬度?低粗糙度,并在摩擦过程中形成了摩擦转移膜,从而导致薄膜具有最佳的摩擦学性能.


    Abstract: Ti-Al-N films with various chemical compositions were fabricated on 4OCr steel by changing the relative substrate position to targets using double-targeted reactive magnetron sputtering in one same process . EDS , AFM and XRD were used to characterize the composition , roughness and microstructure of films . Tribological performance of films was tested in air without any lubricant on a UMT-3 multifunctional friction and wear tribometer . Chemical composition of films varied with substrate position from Ti0.82Al0.18NtoTi0.12Al0.88N.XRD results indicated that before heat treatment sputtered films were amorphous. However , different phases such as TIN , AIN and TIAIN were formed in films with different compositions after heat treatment of 700℃ x 1 h . Surface roughness of films also indicated different growth modes of films with different chemical compositions. Friction and wear tests indicated the best tribological performance of films was obtained atx = 0.57,0.65 because of its hard phase , smooth surface and transfer layer .


