ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Decoupled Computations of Magnetic Field on Magnetic Fluid Seal

  • 摘要: 分析了磁性流体密封中的磁场与力场的耦合问题,采用边界逼近的迭代方法准确计算了磁场分布,进而求出了密封压差,分析了解耦计算与线性计算的差别.结果表明,随着磁性流体磁化强度的提高,解耦计算与线性计算的差别增大.


    Abstract: Decoupled problem of the magnetic field and force was analyzed. The field problem was solved by boundary shape approximation of the magnetic fluid with iteration method. The seal capacity was computed and the difference between the decoupled computation and the linear computation was compared. It is indicated that the difference increases with the increase of the magnetization of the magnetic fluid.


