ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Development of a New Skid Damage Testing System for High Speed Rolling Bearing

  • 摘要: 为研究高速、超高速条件下精密滚动轴承打滑蹭伤机理,自行设计并研制高速滚动轴承滑蹭试验系统.该系统可以通过调节影响高速滚动轴承打滑蹭伤的各种滑差组合因素,用以模拟滚动体与内外圈的动态接触情况,进而分析高速滚动轴承的滑蹭机理.详细介绍了系统的工作原理、系统构成及其主要功能.以圆柱滚子轴承滑蹭试验为例,初步研究了滑差率、内圈转速、径向载荷、润滑状况等滑差组合因素作用下高速滚动轴承的滑蹭规律,验证了该系统的可行性与有效性.本文所开发的试验系统简单便捷,易于扩展,可为未来超高速、超精密滚动轴承设计提供一定的参考与支持.


    Abstract: A new skid damage testing system for high speed rolling bearing is developed and used to study bearing skid damage mechanism under the high speed and ultra high speed conditions. This system can simulate the dynamic contact situation of bearing ring and roller by adjusting the various experiment parameters. It can also study the skid damage rules of high speed rolling bearing. The work principle, structure and main functions of this testing system are systematically introduced in this paper. Taking cylindrical roller bearings as an example and by changing the experiment conditions (slip ratio, inner ring speed, radial load and lubrication), the authors have invetigated the skid damage rules of high speed rolling bearing. Experimental results show that this system is feasible and effective. This system is convenient and easy to extend, which can provide a support for the design and development of ultra high speed and super precision rolling bearing.


