ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Sliding Friction and Wear Behavior of Laser Cladding In-situ Synthesis TiCp/Al Composite Surface Layer

  • 摘要: 在 MM- 2 0 0型环块磨损试验机上 ,以 HT2 0 0材料为摩擦偶件 (环 ) ,研究了含不同体积分数 Ti C颗粒的原位合成 Ti Cp/ Al复合材料表层的摩擦磨损性能 .结果表明 :当 Ti C体积分数小于 2 0 %时 ,随着体积分数增加熔覆层的磨损量逐渐减小 ;而当体积分数大于 2 5 %时 ,随着体积分数的增加熔覆层的磨损量反而逐渐增大 ;与 DL 7和 ZL 10 4材料相比 ,当颗粒体积分数为 2 0 %时 ,复合材料表层的磨损量只有 DL 7材料的 2 6 .7% ,ZL 10 4材料的 5 6 .5 % ;此外 Ti C颗粒体积分数对摩擦系数的影响不大


    Abstract: Using HT200 gray iron as the lower sample, the sliding friction and wear behavior of laser cladding in situ synthesis TiC p/Al composite surface layers containing different volume fractions of TiC particle were tested on a type MM 200 ring block wear tester. The experiment results show that as the volume fraction of TiC particles is less than 20%, the wear amount of the composite decreased with the increase in the fraction. At a volume fraction above 25%, the larger the fraction is, the more the wear amount will be. Compared with the materials DL7 and ZL104, the composite layer containing 20% TiC has a wear volume loss of 26.7% of that of DL7 and 56.5% of that of ZL104. However,the incorporation of TiC of various volume fractions almost has no influence on the friction coefficient.


