ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



An Investigation of the Anti wear Behavior and Wear Mechanisms of TLCP in situ Reinforced Polytetrafluoroethylene Composite

  • 摘要: 将热致型液晶与PTFE混合,用模压烧结法制备出新型原位复合材料,摩擦磨损试验结果表明该复合材料具有优良的抗磨性能,研究表明:液晶在PTFE中以微纤形态存在,能很好地起到承载作用,并有利于偶件表面薄而瓣转移膜的形成,从而改善复合材料的摩擦学性能并减轻偶件表面的损伤,液晶含量较低时,复合材料的磨损机理主要为擦伤与粘着,液晶含量较高时,其磨损机理主要为疲劳剥落。


    Abstract: The anti wear behavior and wear mechanisms of in situ PTFE/TLCP composites were studied. The experimental results show that TLCP in in situ PTFE/TLCP composite exists in a state of fibrils. This helps to increase the load carrying capacity of the composite and speed up the formation of a thin and uniform transfer film on the counterpart surface, thus to improve the tribological properties of the composite and abate the damage of the counterpart surface. At a relatively lower content of TLCP, the wear of PTFE/TLCP composite is characteristic of scuffing and adhesion, while at higher content of TLCP,it is dominated by fatigue delamination.


