ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Friction and Wear Behaviors of Human Tooth Enamel in Citric Acid Solution

  • 摘要: 采用往复滑动摩擦磨损试验台,以TC4钛合金球为摩擦偶件,考察了人牙釉质在pH为3.2的柠檬酸介质中的摩擦磨损行为,并与人工唾液介质中的结果进行对比。结果表明:牙釉质在不同介质中的摩擦磨损行为存在显著差异。在柠檬酸介质中,鉴于柠檬酸对牙釉质表面的酸蚀软化和脱矿作用,牙釉质的摩擦系数低于人工唾液介质,但伴随显著波动,磨损机制以黏着剥落为主,磨损体积随循环次数增加几乎呈线性增长,磨损量明显大于人工唾液介质。


    Abstract: By using a reciprocating sliding wear test machine, friction and wear behaviors of human tooth enamel opposite to titanium alloy have been investigated in citric acid solution (pH=3.2). The results showed that human tooth enamel exhibited different tribological behaviors in two different media, i.e. citric acid solution and artificial saliva. Due to the enamel surface softening and demineralization caused by acid-attack, the friction coefficient was lower and fluctuated more significantly in citric acid solution than in artificial saliva. The worn surface was characterized mainly by adhesive delamination. Wear volume almost increased linearly with the number of cycles in citric acid solution, which was bigger than that in artificial saliva.


