ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



A New Solid Particle Erosion Experiment System Driven by Shock Wave

  • 摘要: 针对目前大部分固体颗粒冲蚀试验系统存在反弹颗粒干扰、颗粒质量计算误差大等问题,采用激波驱动气固两相流的方式,并结合动态压力传感器、高速摄影仪对激波及颗粒测速的方法,设计了1种新型冲蚀磨损试验系统,具有结构简单、操作方便、颗粒质量计算准确等优点.该装置最大激波马赫数可达2.3,能将颗粒加速到200 m/s以上,适用不同颗粒、材料及表面处理试件进行15~90°冲击角下的磨损特性试验.通过SiO2颗粒对低碳钢的冲蚀试验,证实了该装置测得数据与经典试验数据规律一致.因此,本试验系统有望作为1种新的冲蚀磨损试验方法,应用于耐固粒冲蚀的优化设计和寿命预测等领域.


    Abstract: In this paper, a new solid particle erosion test experiment system , which is driven by shock wave and equipped with the dynamic pressure sensor and high-speed photography, is proposed. This test system has significant advantages over commonly used test apparatuses, e.g. less interference between attacking particles and rebounding ones, higher precision in mass measurement. In addition, this system is simple in structure and operation. High mach number of shock wave (e.g. 2.3) and high particle velocity (above 200 m/s) are obtained in this system. Consequently, different particle, various materials and surface treatment of specimens under 15~90° angle of impact can be tested in this system. An experiment using SiO2 particle to impact the mild steel is conducted and the obtained data confirmed the veracity of this test apparatus. This new test apparatus has promising application in optimization design and lifetime prediction for equipments eroded by solid particle erosion.


