ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Manufacture and Characterization of Carbon Fibre Reinforced C/SiC Dual Matrix Composite

  • 摘要: 以针刺炭纤维整体毡为预制体, 采用呋喃树脂加压浸渍、加压固化和炭化制得密度为1.45 g/cm3的多孔体C/C材料, 然后熔融渗硅制得密度为2.37 g/cm3的炭纤维增强双基体炭/碳化硅(C/C-SiC)材料。结果表明: 熔融渗硅中反应生成的SiC基体主要分布在胎网层、针刺纤维附近以及无纬布层的纤维束间; C/C-SiC材料的弯曲强度为165 MPa, 垂直和平行于无纬布铺层方向的压缩强度分别为210MPa和196MPa; C/C-SiC材料的摩擦性能稳定,平均动摩擦系数为0.38,静摩擦系数为0.40, 和对偶件的线磨损率分别为5.3μm/(面?次)和3.7μm/(面?次), 其磨损过程是由磨粒磨损、黏着磨损和氧化磨损共同作用的结果。


    Abstract: Carbon fiber reinforced carbon (C/C) performs with a density of 1.45g/cm3 was prepared by densification of needled carbon fiber felts with furan resin pressure infiltration in combination with pressure curing and carbonization. The carbon fiber reinforced carbon/silicon carbide dual matrix composites (C/C-SiC) with a density of 2.37g/cm3 were manufactured by liquid silicon infiltration (LSI) into the obtained C/C performs. Microstructure, mechanical and tribological characteristics of the C/C-SiC composites were investigated. SiC matrix was found inside the short-cut fabric, around the needing fibers and among the fiber bundles in the non-woven web. The C/C-SiC composites exhibited excellent mechanical properties and tribological characteristics. The average dynamic friction coefficient and static friction coefficient of the composites were 0.38 and 0.40, respectively. The linear wear rate of the composites and its counterpart were 5.6μm side-1cycle-1 and 3.7μm side-1cycle-1, respectively. The wear mechanisms of C/C-SiC composites were abrasive wear, adhesive wear and and oxidation wear.


