ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



On the Validation of Reynolds Equation for Hydrodynamics Lubrication Simulation of Textured Surface

  • 摘要: 从理论上阐述了纹理表面动压润滑计算中决定Reynolds方程有效性的两个关键因素为油膜厚度与纹理特征长度的比值h/L和缩减的雷诺数re;只有当h/Lre同时趋近于零时Reynolds方程才能够获得准确的结果,并由此在h/L-Re平面上标注了Reynolds方程的适用范围.继而以二维矩形沟槽为实例,采用数值方法计算了h/L和re对Reynolds方程误差的影响规律;分析了Reynolds方程在不同条件下的失效机制;分析了矩形沟槽纹理表面Reynolds方程有效性的评价标准:当缩减的雷诺数re小于0.20,并且h/L小于0.015时能够保证Reynolds方程的误差在10%以下.


    Abstract: It was expounded that the ratio of oil film thickness to the characteristic length of the texture h/L and the reduced Reynolds number re are two key factors for the availability of Reynolds equation in the hydrodynamic lubrication simulation of textured surface. The Reynolds equation can be used safely only when both of the two key factors, h/L and re, tend to be zero. And a schematic illustration of the applicable range of Reynolds equation can be given on the h/L-Re plane. Further, the effect of h/L and re on the error of Reynolds equation was numerically calculated for the two dimension rectangle groove, and the invalidation mechanisms of Reynolds equation was discussed under different conditions. Finally, the evaluation criteria of Reynolds equation was proposed that the error of Reynolds equation can be within 10% when the reduced Reynolds number re and the h/L were smaller than 0.20 and 0.015 respectively.


