ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Slide Behavior of New Type Orthodontic Wire in Saliva

  • 摘要: 采用小振幅往复滑动摩擦磨损试验机评价了新型牙齿正畸丝材料13Cr24Mn0.44N不锈钢在水和唾液中的摩擦磨损行为,并探讨其磨损机理.结果表明:在唾液中活性成分的作用下,试样表面生成了软质易剪切的表面膜,使得摩擦系数降低,同时部分残留于磨痕中的磨屑在水或唾液介质润滑下承担了类似滚动轴承中"滚珠"的角色,进一步降低了摩擦系数;在2种介质中磨痕深度均随载荷增大而增加,但在唾液中的磨痕深度均小于在水中的磨痕深度,磨损和腐蚀之间呈现"负交互"作用;不锈钢在水中的磨痕呈现微切削和犁沟机制,在唾液中小载荷下的磨痕与水中相似,磨痕呈现微切削和犁沟机制,但在较大载荷时的磨损机制为疲劳脱层并伴有显微切削.


    Abstract: Reciprocating slide behavior of new type orthodontic materials 13Cr24Mn0.44N stainless steel lubricated by water and saliva under small amplitude was studied. The wear mechanism was also investigated by SEM, EDS and XPS. Results show that the friction coefficient reduced due to the forming of soft surface film which was easy to shear in the saliva, and the remained debris in worn scar lubricated by water and saliva played the role of the ball which is similar to the ball bearing. The depth of worn scar increased with the load increasing in two medium, but negative interactive phenomenon appeared between wear and corrosion, the depth of worn scar in the saliva was less than that in the water. The worn scar appeared mild plough with distinct slot in the friction process in water. When the friction load was small, the worn scar looked alike whether lubricated in the saliva or in the water, and the wear mechanism was also mild plough with distinct slot, however it changed into fatigue flake with slight cut when the load was larger.


