ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



A Survey on the Development of Inorganic Borates as Oil Additives

  • 摘要: 本文结合作者自身多年从事的有关研究,对无机硼酸盐润滑油抗磨添加剂的发展现状作了综合介绍。文章在简要阐明了无机硼酸盐的分子结构和制备方法之后,着重就其抗磨性能和抗磨作用机理之研究的广度和深度进行了归纳与分析,比较全面地反映了人们对这类添加剂目前的研究和认识水平。文章最后还强调指出,无机硼酸盐与含S、P、Cl添加剂的配伍性及其分散体的稳定性和抗水性等都还有待深入研究。


    Abstract: Inorganic borates are a new kind of effective antiwear and extreme-pressure oil additive without harmful effect. Many works have been done to develop the inorganic borate oil additive in the last decade. In this paper, the molecular structrue, the preparation and the antiwear mechanism of borates additives were described. Inorganic borate additives are non-hazardous, free of smell, have good antiwear ability and high load-carrying capacity. With the combination of inorganic borate additive with succinimide dispersant, the antiwear ability can be improved, whereas with sulfonate dispersant, the antiwear ability decreases. Tests have shown that an inorganic borate protective surface film is formed on the rubbing surface to possess antiwear and extreme-pressure properties. It is pointed out that more work should be done to study the tribological properties of the blends of inorganic borates and S,P and C1 containing additives, and to improve the stability of borate oil.


