ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Preparation and Tribological Behavior of a Bonded Solid Lubricating Coating for Application at High Specific Pressure

  • 摘要: 利用粘结剂共混改性和填料复合等技术研制了一种润滑涂层,该涂层适用于高比压、低速度下的滑动和滚动摩擦部件,具有良好的摩擦磨损性能,与同类产品相比,该润滑涂层能够随1500-2000MPa的高比压,并具有低摩擦、长寿命及良好的储存稳定性和耐温性等特点,已成功应用于国家某重点工程的零部件上。


    Abstract: A bonded solid lubricating coating was prepared by making use of blended modification of the adhesives and combination of various fillers. The friction and wear behavior of the coating sliding against steel was simulated on an MM 200 test rig by changing the contact configuration of the frictional pair properly. As the results, the coating shows better tribological behavior than two reference coatings and is applicable at high specific pressure and low and medium sliding speeds. It has the advantages of low friction, long service life, good thermal stability and convenience to storage. Thus the coating has successfully found field use.


