ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Preparation and Friction Behavior of Perfluoropolyether Lubricant Film on Single Crystal Silicon

  • 摘要: 利用浸涂技术在单晶硅基片上成功地制备出极性全氟聚醚润滑膜,在DF-PM型动-静摩控系数精密测定装置上考察了润滑膜的摩擦特性,并采用接触角测定仪和X射线光电子能谱仪对润滑膜的表面性质和化学状态进行了表征。结果表明,与基片相比,经烘烤处理后的全氟聚醚润滑膜同钢对摩擦系数显著降低,经60次摩擦后,摩擦系统迅速增大到0.22左右,此时润滑膜被磨穿;此后摩擦系数缓慢增加,当摩擦次数达到200次左右时,摩擦系数稳定于0.42附近,低于单晶硅片相应的摩擦系数,这可能是由于基片表面的全氟聚醚在滑动过程中向钢球表面发生转移所致。


    Abstract: Polar perfluoropolyether lubricant film has been fabricated on single crystal silicon by dip coating technique. The contact angles of distilled water droplet on the single crystal surface and the lubricant film surface were measured with a contact angle meter and the chemical states of C of the film determined with an X ray photoelectron spectrometer. The friction behavior of the film in sliding against SAE52100 steel was investigated with a DF PM dynamic static friction coefficient procession measurement apparatus. As the results, perfluoropolyether lubricant film is successfully prepared on single crystal surface by dip coating process and the resultant lubricant film shows a considerably decreased friction coefficient than the single crystal silicon substrate, in sliding against the steel.


