ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Influence of CeC2 on the Wear Resistance of Rubber-Based Composite

  • 摘要: 采用干法混炼工艺在橡胶中加入不同质量分数的稀土氧化铈,研究了稀土氧化铈对橡胶耐磨性能的影响.结果表明:当稀土氧化铈的质量分数为5%~10%时,由于稀土氧化铈与橡胶混合较均匀,界面结合良好,可以使橡胶的耐磨性提高近1倍左右;当稀土氧化铈添加量超过10%后,其耐磨性能反而下降.


    Abstract: Wear resistance of Rare earth reinforced rubber composite was studied.CeO_2 of different content was added and RE/rubber composite was made with mill-mixing machine in solid state.Experiment was carried out on M-200 wear-testing machine under both low and high speed.Dry sliding wear tests indicate that the composite materials exhibit significant improved wear performance.Compared to the rubber without RE,it improved almost twice.Rubber highest wear resistance due to well distributed rate earth containing 5%~10% CeO_2 exhibited.Rubber with more than 10% RE reduced wear resistance due to poor combination of rubber with CeO_2 particles.Relationship between intension and wear property is discussed.Scanning electron microscopy(SEM) was utilized to examine composite microstructures and worn surfaces.Wear mechanisms of rubber-based composite with CeO_2 filler are can be conclude as: adhesive wear,abrasive wear and roll wear.


