ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Current State and Progress in the Research of Squeaking in Ceramic-on-ceramic Hip Prosthesis

  • 摘要: 分别从假体外科植入因素、假体设计因素和假体的摩擦振动因素3个方面,评述了近10年来国内外学者在陶瓷髋关节异响的产生机理及其影响因素等方面所做的研究工作和取得的进展。目前,在关节异响研究领域的主要进展是认识到髋关节植入假体的磨损和假体设计的缺陷会导致关节异响,但这些认识不能完全解释关节异响的物理现象。此外,一些学者已经注意到假体摩擦自激振动可能是关节异响的发生机理,但研究工作才刚起步。关节异响的发生机理尚不明确,许多问题还有待深入研究。为了更好地探究关节异响的发生机理,建议从摩擦自激振动与髋关节体内动力学交叉的角度来研究和分析关节异响。


    Abstract: The research work and progress in squeaking of ceramic-on-ceramic hip prosthesis in the past ten years are reviewed from three viewpoints of surgical implantation, design of partner components and friction-induced vibration. So far, the generation mechanisms of squeaking in ceramic-on-ceramic hips are mainly attributed to the wear of implanted hips and shortcomings in prosthetic design. However, these mechanisms can not statistically explain all the physical phenomena of squeaking in ceramic-on-ceramic hips. Several investigators suggested that the squeaking of ceramic-on-ceramic hip prosthesis may be induced by the friction-induced vibration of ceramic-on-ceramic hip prosthesis, but their work has just got going. Up to now, the main mechanism of squeaking generation has not been completely understood. It is suggested that the further study on the hips squeaking should be carried out from the interdisciplines of friction-induced vibration and in vivo kinetics of hip prosthesis, so as to better acquire the understanding of the squeaking generation mechanism.


