ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Elastic-Plastic Finite Element Analysis of Multi-Asperity Contacts

  • 摘要: 采用具有一定数目圆形粗糙峰的刚性表面对弹塑性半元限体进行压下的模型来模拟多粗糙峰接触,并用有限元法对该模型进行了弹生分析,揭示了我地接触区应力状态的影响规律,发现中心接触区的变莆主要受到一定数目邻近粗糙峰的影响,而处于较远自找影响较小,同弹性接触相比,在弹塑性接触过程中有更多的邻近粗糙对中心接触区发生作用,改变粗糙的间距、曲率半径和压下深度都会对其产生影响。


    Abstract: A model of elastic plastic half space indented by a rigid surface having a finite number of regularly spaced circular asperities was adopted to investigate the problem of multi asperity contacts. The contribution of multi asperity interaction to the contact stress was discussed. The plane strain multi asperity contact problem was computed using finite element method. It has been found that the deformation below the central asperity is mostly affected by the asperities near the center of contact. The effect of asperities remote from the center is relatively small. More asperities tend to interact with each other and affect the central contact zone in elastic plastic contacts as compared with elastic contacts. The change of spacing and radius of asperities and indentation depth would influence the asperity interaction.


