ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



The Mechanism and Technique of Friction Control by Applied Voltage I.The Correlation of Self-Generated Voltage to Friction Force

  • 摘要: 用外加电压控制金属摩擦学磨损是摩擦领域很有发展前景的新技术之一,能够有效地降低干摩擦下金属间的摩擦与磨损,但国内外有关的研究报道却还少见.因此,利用特制的球-盘式摩擦磨损试验机,对几种配对金属的摩擦自生电势和摩擦力进行了测量,揭示了摩擦自生电势与摩擦力的相关性,并且考察了外加电压对金属间摩擦力的影响,发现在外加电压与摩擦自生电势相抵消时的摩擦系数最低,比无外加电压时的摩擦系数低12%~26%


    Abstract: The control of metallic friction and wear by applied voltage is a new prospective technique in tribology,by which the metallic friction and wear in dry friction condition can be reduced effectively. But the reports on this method were rarely seen.The self-generated voltages and friction coefficients on some metallic friction pairs are measured simultaneously by a ball-disc type friction and wear tester.The results showed that the correlation between friction force and th self generated voleage.The effect of slef generated voleage on metallic friction force was also inestigated was also investigated.The test results indicated that the friction coefficient is the smallest when the self-generated voltage is counteracted by the applied voltage.Comparison with that of no applied voltage acts,the frcition coefficient can be reduced by 12% to 26%through the voltage counteracted method.


