ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Radial Fretting Behavior of TiN Coating

  • 摘要: 对GCr15/45#钢和GCr15/离子镀TiN涂层的45钢摩擦副进行了径向微动试验,试验的最大载荷从200N到800N,循环次数为10^5。摩擦磨损试验结果表明,TiN涂层的抗塑性变形能力和抗么向微动损伤能力比基体好,SEM分析表明,TiN涂层的磨屑呈现剥层特征钢试样表现出粘着现象。


    Abstract: The radial fretting behavior of ion plated TiN coating on AISI 1045 steel substrate sliding against AISI 52100 steel was investigated on a radial fretting test rig developed in our laboratory. The deformation characteristics of the coating was compared with that of AISI 1045 steel substrate at maximum normal load from 200 N to 800N and cycle numbers from 1 to 10 5. As the results, TiN coating is superior to AISI 1045 steel substrate in resisting radial fretting and plastic deformation. SEM observation of the fretted surface morphology indicates that TiN coating is characteristic of delamination during the radial fretting and AISI 1045 steel of adhesion. EDAX analysis of wear debris components shows that oxidation was involved during the radial fretting process of the two materials, which is similar to what has been observed with conventional horizontal fretting. Thus the newly developed test rig is capable of simulating radial fretting satisfactorily.


