ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Hardness Matching Behavior of Wheel/Rail Materials

  • 摘要: 利用滚动磨损试验机研究了车轮钢与U71Mn热轧钢轨的硬度匹配性能,分析了不同硬度车轮与U71Mn钢轨匹配时的摩擦磨损与表面损伤行为.结果表明:车轮硬度对轮轨试样滚动摩擦系数基本无影响;随车轮硬度增加,车轮磨损量呈下降趋势,钢轨磨损量表现为线性增加,轮轨总磨损量呈先降低后增加的趋势,轨轮硬度相同时轮轨系统总磨损量达到最小.车轮硬度对车轮和钢轨试样表面损伤形貌有一定影响,车轮硬度低时车轮表面损伤以麻点式剥落损伤为主,随车轮硬度增加试样表面发生大块剥落损伤,对摩副钢轨试样主要表现为表面剥落损伤机制.


    Abstract: The hardness matching characteristic between wheel steel and U71Mn hot rolling rail were investigated using a rolling testing apparatus. In addition, the friction, wear and surface damage behavior of different hardness wheel and U71Mn rail were analyzed in detail. The results show that the hardness of wheel had no obvious effect on rolling friction coefficient of wheel/rail. With the increasing hardness of wheel specimen, the wear volume of wheel decreased and the wear volume of rail specimen linearly increased. Furthermore, total wear volume of wheel/rail specimens firstly decreased and then increased. When the hardness of rail/wheel specimens was identical, total wear volume of wheel/rail reached a minimum. The wheel hardness had an effect on the surface damage morphology of wheel/rail specimens. When the wheel hardness was low, the pitting damage was dominating for the wheel specimen. With the increase of wheel hardness, dominating damage of wheel specimen was large bulk spalling. The primary damage mechanism of rail specimen was surface spalling.


