以摩擦学的三个公理为基础 ,提出摩擦学系统复杂性质的具体定义 ,即摩擦学系统的动力性、摩擦学系统的非线性、摩擦学系统的随机性、摩擦学系统的混沌性和摩擦学系统的分形性 ,并且指出摩擦学系统是一个复杂的非线性动力系统 ,因而将摩擦学研究与动力学相结合有助于摩擦学问题的定量化描述 .根据摩擦学系统及其行为的特定性质 ,从系统学观点出发 ,将摩擦磨损过程分为自组织阶段、混沌阶段和失稳阶段等 3个阶段 ,并提出了磨合吸引子的概念 ,同时讨论了研究摩擦学非线性复杂问题的正解和反解方法
The complicated non-linear nature of tribological system is studied on the basis of the three axioms in tribology. It is pointed out that the complicated tribological system and its behavior are characterized by time-dependence, non-linearity, randomness, chaos, and fractals of the friction and wear. Therefore, it would be helpful for further understanding the tribological fearures to apply the non-linear system theory to the researches of friction and wear behavior. In terms of the non-linear dynamic characteristics of a tribological system, the wear process consists of three newly defined stages that are different to the traditionally named ones. They include the self-organizing wear stage, the chaotic wear stage, and the unsteady wear stage. A definition of the fractal attraction factor is introduced to characterize the running-in of rubbing surface. It is supposed that mathematical model method and the fractal method could be suitable to analyzing and solving the complicated non-linear problems in a tribological system.