ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



The Fractal Characterization of the Wear Particles Accumulation in the Wear Process of Copper against Steel

  • 摘要: 在销-盘摩擦磨损试验机上考察45^#钢-铜合金摩擦副的磨损性能,按一定时间间隔收集磨损过程中积聚的金属磨粒,然后用光学显微镜对不同粒径范围内的磨粒进行计数和分形研究。研究结果表明:不同粒径的金属磨粒所对应的积聚数呈现明显的分形特征,小磨粒积聚和大磨粒积聚表现出不同的分形特征,并具有双重分形现象;磨损过程中的磨粒积聚分形特征对应于某一粒径尺度的分形转折点,该分形转折点的坐标位置与磨损状态相关,因此确定分形转折点有助于甄别磨损状态。


    Abstract: The friction and wear test of AISI 1045 steel disc sliding against copper pin was carried out on a pin on disc test rig. The copper wear debris was collected in order to count the number of wear particles and analyze the fractal behavior of the particle accumulation. The results indicate that the accumulation of wear particles in the friction and wear process shows a strong bi fractal behavior. There exists difference in the fractal dimensions of the accumulation of small particles and large particles. Moreover, a fractal turning point was observed on the particle size coordinate, which distinguishes the accumulation of small particles and the accumulation of large particles. The position of the fractal turning point is related to the wear condition between the copper pin and steel disc. This could be informative and helpful to the identification of the friction and wear states.


