ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



On-Line Measurement and Record of the Rotation Variable in Tribological Test

  • 摘要: 本文研究了一种多变量在线测录仪,可用其在定向运转和反复正反变向运转的摩擦学试验中连续测量和记录试样的角速度、方位角、转数和摩擦距离等多个旋转变量的瞬时值,并且通过时间变量的关系,还可以清晰地显示出它们的变化过程和相互关系,基本能够描绘出试样在整个摩擦试验过程中的旋转动态。文章指出,利用这种测录仪还可得出一些间接的信息,如摩擦副的相对滑动量和试验过程中试样摩擦力的变化等。该仪器具有一机多用、所占空间


    Abstract: A multivariable on-line measurer was developed in this paper. It can be used for measuring and recording continuously the instantaneous values of the rotating variables of samples such as angular velocity, position angle, revolution and friction distance etc in the tribological test under the directional and reversed direction. It shown clearly that the variation process and relations of the variants through the time-variable and also shown that the rotation situations of the samples. Some of the indirect informations such as the relative slip of friction pairs and the variations of friction force were also obtained in this test. This measurer has the advantages of multi-use, small dimentions and operation convenient.


