ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Fretting Wear Properties of TiO2 Nanotube Layers with Different Diameters

  • 摘要: 利用阳极氧化法在纯钛表面制备了3组平均内径不同的TiO2纳米管层试样,用扫描电子显微镜、硬度仪和轮廓仪对试样表面形貌、显微硬度、纳米硬度和粗糙度进行测试。在大气环境里,以球/平面接触方式,对摩偶件为超高分子聚乙烯球,采用PLINT高精度液压伺服式微动磨损试验机,分别在4个法向载荷下,对试样进行微动磨损试验。结果表明:随法向载荷的增加,同一摩擦副的摩擦系数降低;TiO2纳米管层的存在降低了钛与UHMWPE之间的摩擦系数,在不同载荷下纳米管层表面的摩擦系数均随管径的增大而增大,但低于无纳米管层的对照组;与UHMWPE对摩,TiO2纳米管层有很好的承载、抗剥离和耐磨性能;摩擦副的主要磨损机理为磨粒磨损、UHMWPE塑变导致的表层材料损失。


    Abstract: Three groups of TiO2 nanotube layers with different inner diameters were fabricated on titanium substrate by anodization. Morphology, microhardness, nanohardness and roughness of specimen surfaces were analyzed by a scanning electron microscope, hardness instrument and surface roughometer. The fretting wear tests of specimens against a UHMWPE ball were carried out in air on a PLINT fretting fatigue machine using the ball / plane contact under four normal loads respectively. Results suggested that coefficients of friction decreased as normal load increased for the same frictional pair. The TiO2 nanotube layers reduced the coefficients between Ti specimen and UHMWPE. Under different normal load, the coefficients increased as the nanotube diameter increased. The friction coefficients of nanotube specimens were lower than that of the contrast. In sliding against UHMWPE, TiO2 nanotube layers had good of load-bearing, anti-stripping and wear-resistant properties. The wear mechanism of the frictional pair involved abrasive wear and material loss on surface layer resulted from UHMWPE plastic deformation.


