ISSN   1004-0595

CN  62-1224/O4



Progress of Wear Properties on Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems

  • 摘要: 对微机电系统,尤其是微旋转机械的磨损研究现状进行评述,介绍MEMS及微旋转机械中的各种磨损问题,分析材料和不同工况(表面粗糙度、环境以及载荷)等条件对MEMS及微旋转机械磨损性能的影响,介绍不同形式的磨损模型、分析方法与检测仪器,并对相关领域的研究进展进行展望.


    Abstract: Current state and progress of studies of wear on micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), particular in micro rotating machines, are summarized in detail. Various wear behavior of MEMS and micro rotating machines are introduced and effects of material properties, roughness, environments, loadings and working conditions on wear are briefed. Many kinds of wear models, analysis methods, testing method and experiment instruments are discussed. Furthermore, prospect is also provided concerning further work in MEMS and micro rotating machines.


